Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Time is Running Out

*********************************6-10-09 Update**************************
We have 100 people signed up and paid as of today. Thanks to everyone who has gone to the Pay Pal site and paid. Now if you have been one of the people on the fence thinking "No one will be there" think again. We look forward to seeing you in August.


UpdateThe reunion is less the 3 months away. It will soon be time to reconnect and share many old memories together.

Event Update
The Good News is we have received over 170 positive responses to the reunion Evite to date.

The Bad News is it is time to pay for the event if you haven't already.

Please return to the evite and use PayPal to complete your registration by paying if you plan to attend. If you have any question please reach out to Christi Brittan Rhome (crhome@novusmedical.com).

Evite Invitation Link

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Countdown to Reunion

Happy New Year class of ’89! We hope that your ’09 is off to a great start.

It has been quiet on the blog but we have been hard at work behind the scene. We are finalizing the details for the reunion and we expect to send out an Evite in the next couple of weeks. If you haven't provided your e-mail address to the committee, please do so we can add you to the invitation.

Keep a look out Spartans.


Your Reunion Committee

Monday, October 27, 2008

Looking for some memories to share.

Do you have some pictures from high school you would like to share? We would like to add more to the site.

Please send to: ed.montoya1@cox.net

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Class of '89 time to talk

It is time for you to speak out.
Our first class of '89 flashback question:

Tell us your favorite memory from your time at San Juan high school.

Use the comment section to post

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Welcome Class of '89

Hi Everyone! It's time to start planning our 20 year reunion for the weekend of August 1 & 2, 2009. We've designed this blog to keep everyone updated on the plans and are looking for your input on the schedule of events.

We hope you'll use the Blog as a tool to keep in touch for the next several months. Please start by responding to the poll questions that are posted now. We are also looking for contact information for classmates that we may not have heard from yet. Please use the comment feature to give us your suggestions, or you can e-mail us.

We're looking forward to seeing everyone next summer and reconnecting in the process. GO SPARTANS!!

Class of '89 Graduation

Class of '89 Graduation

Lex Stoehr

Lex Stoehr

Matt Madden, Francois DeJohn, Mike Guiou and Tracy Ketchum

Mario Pereira, Francois De John, and Eric Stueland

Kim Meyer, Denise Canacari, Cathleen Newman, Christi Brittan, Lindy Holst, & Robyn Metcalf

Kim Bradshaw

Classic SJ Days

Classic SJ Days

Those were the days

Those were the days